RE: Looking For Someone To Maintain CraftMine
Moved the original post so it’s now public. You can see it and respond to it here:
Looking for someone to maintain CraftMine
It’s no secret, CraftMine has been abandoned - but that doesn’t mean it has to end.
I’m going to keep this short and sweet as otherwise I’m probably going to end up writing paragraphs of nostalgia of what the modpack has achieved over its lifetime: I don’t like seeing great something die out, so I am now officially looking for someone to maintain CraftMine.
I am offering absolutely everything I have in the area of modpack development and the Minecraft modding industry in general to anyone who is willing to maintain the pack and whom I trust. This includes:
- All my knowledge on the subject including the special methods or “secret sauce” that I use to make CraftMine to the great standard it is. This includes my “secrets” and ideas on how I did the backwards-compatibility, no lag with shaders, the good stability and unique features of the pack
- Full client and server source files (and binaries for every single build) for every modpack I’ve made, both internal experiments and public packs
- All branding, concept art, marketing material, etc…
Additionally, I would enjoy having a chat answering any questions you may have and would love to work on the pack with you for a while to make the switch-over as smooth as possible.
Note: I’m posting this to UWM Staff first as you’re an amazing team and I want to give you lot the opportunity before anyone else. If you’re too busy or don’t want to takeover development, it’s no problem.
Update: This thread is now public so that anyone has the opportunity now. Please reply to this thread or contact me if you’re interested.
RE: Swift
Development of Swift is underway and will initially be a more simplified version of the earlier idea. Instead of rewriting the rendering engine entirely, it will instead add adaptive graphics support for per-device/device-specific optimisations.
What adaptive graphics does is automatically adjust your graphics settings depending on your current average framerate to provide the best possible visuals without any lag. This also can provide better performance than if someone manually adjusted their video settings - as not all scenes will provide the same complexity - some areas might be a busy built-up town with lots of stuff to render, other areas might be a nearly empty world like a spleef minigame for example. With Swift, when you join that spleef minigame and get insanely high framerates beyond what your monitor can provide, Swift automatically increases your settings so the game looks better while still being as smooth as your monitor permits. When you enter that busy town, Swift’ll detect that you’re lagging and will automatically turn settings down in a conservative manner, in an attempt to improve performance without downgrading the visuals too noticeably.
Additionally, Swift will notify you if it detects that you’re still lagging after it tries everything it can to improve performance, giving you advice on what other things you could do to improve performance that are out of Swift’s reach (e.g. it might recommend you to get a better graphics card, or switch from integrated to dedicated graphics, or it might recommend that you close anything else you have open that’s CPU-intensive like Google Chrome, or to update your drivers and how to do so, etc…)
RE: How to setup a proxy server with redirects?
@Bent Yes, however I unfortunately abandoned the project due to my lack of dynamic code knowledge (such as PHP) and the lack of time to learn it. I was working on a Technic Launcher fork and wanted to route API traffic normally but redirect the “Discover” page to a custom one provided by verified pack authors depending on what packs are most frequently launched. The launcher’s design could also be further customised by the pack author (just like you could change your pack’s background image on the Modpacks tab, you could change the blue tab bar to any colour you want). Additionally there were plans to enable installing and launching packs directly from a website with an embeddable one-click button through the use of command line args support.
If anyone has good knowledge with PHP and wants to work on this project, I’d be happy to revive this project and work on the client-side features.
RE: "Technic Scraps" - A good idea or a potential problem?
Edit: Amaxster has disclosed that the selectors cannot select their own packs, however it is still unclear what rules they are bounded by and if they are moderated by anyone.
"Technic Scraps" - A good idea or a potential problem?
So today I started up the Technic Launcher to see if anything’s changed in the aspect of poor packs being promoted on the launcher’s default “Discover” pack. It turns out that they have indeed changed something and it could be a good idea… if done right.
They’re calling it “Technic Scraps” and are really pushing it on the launcher. They also announced that they’re officially stopping making any official packs and treating these “Technic Scraps” as official packs for short periods of time until the next volume comes out.
Now initially I thought this was a fantastic idea, but I’m pessimistic about how it’ll work out considering past issues with corruption within the Technic Staff, so I decided to look into it a bit more:
- First off, two of the three featured packs have very short descriptions and none of them have any evidence of legally redistributing any of the content included within them… not a great start.
- There are no group votes by the Technic community. While they accept suggestions, it is ultimately a select subset of staff who choose what goes there and what doesn’t - regardless of the community’s opinion.
- There’s no rules or moderation on that subset of staff. As some of the staff also make their own packs and Technic has been known for corrupt staff a couple of unfortunate occasions in the past, it is entirely possible that some packs will get completely blacklisted from this featured list and the staff’s own packs featured in favour of preventing competition.
It’ll probably work out great and I hope that it does. I probably won’t actually try any of the packs though as I don’t play many games at all anymore.
The end of CM?
TL;DR: Yes. I have stopped working on CM indefinately but I’ll still be answering questions and helping people out and welcome anyone who wants to maintain the project and keep it alive.
I regret to inform the UWM staff that I have lost most of my interest in CraftMine development. I have been aware of my gradually loosing interest for a long time and have attempted many things to keep the pack alive, including a whole new development mindset, getting some people to work on the pack alongside me as a team, be semi-open-source and overall very open with the community, attempted to contribute to other modpacks on the UnitedWorldMiners network and more.
I will still respond to any support requests and questions about CraftMine, however development of new features, pack updates and maintenance have stalled indefinitely from my behalf.
The last update to CM was on the 1st of July and was published a week or two later to the “Latest version” channel of the modpack options on the Technic Launcher. It’s stable - just incompatible with the official server and no server files exist for it.
If anyone is interested in maintaining this amazing project, please contact me. I’ll be more than happy to provide some of my knowledge of how I develop CM to the standards it is and also provide the full source code and files of all the versions I still have on me. And of course I’ll add you as a contributor to the original pack listing so you can post new versions and so on, on the official page that’s been around since forever. Even though I’ve stopped pack development, I’ll be happy knowing that my work has made people’s lives better and that it still lives on to this day. Hey, maybe I’ll even submit the occasional contribution if I’m interested - the main reason I lost interest is because barely anyone noticed.
I just want to thank everyone who has helped make CraftMine possible for such a long time - especially Matty Lofthouse, and UWM (and Bent). Without Matty, CraftMine would’ve never existed. Without UWM, the new CMv4 would have never been possible.
Btw, if you’re considering taking CM down from your Solder, that’s no problem - just let me know in advance so I can back up all the versions hosted on there.
Goodbye :(
RE: CM Screenshot contest
Sigh… It’s been a whole month and I’ve got just one entry for this contest. I guess I have no choice but to close this contest and not go ahead with community-made screenshots on the main menu as there just doesn’t seem to be an active CraftMine community anymore. :(
RE: CM Screenshot contest
@Nick Sorry but this isn’t the right place to ask for that. This is for screenshot competition entries, please use the help & support section for general queries.
Unfortunately the shaderpack in CraftMine is an exclusive and is specifically designed for CM. While manually grabbing the shaderpack from CM and putting it on another modpack may work (for personal uses only, no redistribution permitted), the performance may be worse and possibly glitchy with mods not in CM.
How to setup a proxy server with redirects?
I am curious to know how to setup my own proxy server at home for educational purposes, that will also redirect specific URLs to a local file. (e.g. going to while connected to the proxy will serve you a local page called test.html).
Ideally I would like to use nginx on an Ubuntu Server, but I’ll try other methods if easier. Also, I don’t want any caching on the proxy at all. Any ideas/advice?
Announcing Rapido for Steve's Adventure Craft
Some of you may know me as the author of CraftMine v4 - another similar pack that’s also on the UnitedWorldMiners network. :slight_smile:
CraftMine has had exclusive optimisations for years that provide unbelievable benefits and a “wow factor” for new players - you open up a pack with over a 100 mods and it runs better than Vanilla with Optifine without you even touching the settings! Before Rapido it was called “CM SPEEDY”.
Well, today I’m proud to announce that - for the first time ever - I have ported a large part of Rapido to Steve’s Adventure Craft.
What does this mean? HUGE performance benefits with slightly BETTER visuals, on the same hardware! Just look at the results for yourself. :)Q) What can I do with higher performance on the same PC?
- Crank up the settings more
- Enjoy higher percieved resolution and render distances with the same settings through the use of Rapido’s psychological tricks
- Have a smoother experience with less choppiness
- Never complain about client-side (framerate) lag on the pack again!
- Play longer on laptops as these improvements also improve power efficiency and therefore battery life
Q) How can I get these improvements?
- The new upcoming Steve’s Adventure Craft update includes Rapido built-in and enabled by default. You’ll notice immediate performance improvements as soon as you update.
- CraftMine v4 contains a more advanced implementation of Rapido called “Rapido+” which also improves visuals as well as further improves performance slightly over the standard Rapido found in the port for SAC. Just be aware that this is a different pack though and is quite different from SAC in some aspects
RE: Mod Suggestions
Meanwhile I’m experimenting with 128x, 256x and 512x textures for a future version of CraftMine Ultra with special shader depth mapping… :P
RE: Optimisation/collaboration Steve's Adventure Craft [ update]
@Bent Hello,
Thank you for letting me be a part of the new Steve’s Adventure Craft development. I just wanted to inform you that I have finished doing basic Rapido optimisations and have managed to achieve an impressive ~105fps improvement in addition to a 20 second shorter load time and higher average TPS! :tada:
RE: Welcome Nextcloud!
@Bent Wow, NextCloud’s good! Thanks for the update. :)
Could you update PufferPanel and GitLab to the latest stable versions, too? :P
RE: CraftMine CPU usage
@Bent said in CraftMine CPU usage:
I also asked Chris (xF4m3) about his opinion and he recognized a 10 minute spike pattern in the first graph from today. Is there anything running every 10 minutes (600 seconds)? :timer:
ClearLagg is set to run every 600 seconds, which explains why the CPU usage gradually goes up until the next ClearLagg schedule is ran. I might decrease the tolerance of server TPS drops to help prevent this without making the schedule too frequent for the players.
RE: CraftMine CPU usage
I’ve just removed YAMPST server-side as it no longer works but still generated statistics reports. This might provide a tiny further reduction in CPU usage.
Optimisation/collaboration Steve's Adventure Craft [ update]
I’m the author of the somewhat similar pack also on the UWM network called “CMv4” or “CraftMine v4”. I would like to contribute to Steve’s Adventure Craft by applying some of my optimisation techniques I use in CMv4 to your pack. This will undoubtedly improve performance significantly/noticeably and will allow the pack to run at higher framerates and tickrates, allowing for higher settings and more mods to be added without as much concern about performance.
If you like, I can discuss some of the techniques I plan on using to optimise Steve’s Adventure Craft if you accept my request to collaborate with you on the pack. All I ask in return is credit and recognition for my optimisations, and that they are not publically shared without my permission.
Best regards,
-Ninja -
RE: CraftMine CPU usage
That indeed looks strange…
Recently I have deployed the ClearLagg plugin and configured it to unload unused chunks, especially if the server is sufferring from low TPS. Before ClearLagg was on the server, the TPS was lower than it is now as well as the RAM usage being consistently high with chunks failing to unload at times up to the point where the server crashes and restarts because it runs out of RAM.
I assume/guess that the cause of this CPU usage is where chunks are gradually being loaded and failing to unload, up to the point where ClearLagg either detects this or gets to its next routine time and correctly unloads all unused chunks, causing the CPU load to drop back to a low level again.