• 3 Votes
    2 Posts

    Hello, I am a old time player of CraftMine and i would love to do everything i can to help keep this pack somewhat alive. pleas contact me soon so we might be able to work something out.

  • The end of CM?

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    1 Votes
    2 Posts

    Hello Oscar,

    that’s really sad to hear but I can understand your decision.

    We know the struggles of creating high-quality content ourselves which mostly does not get even close to the attention which crappy modpacks with really ugly images get (of which most don’t even work but still raise thousands of players within hours) these days.

    Sometimes it seems like people want bad stuff rather than something fully functional and “perfect” Maybe they can’t handle complimenting someone on his work and rather want to complain … :thinking:

    We will for sure not remove your modpack from our Solder as I see this modpack as a perfect example for the highest quality of modpack you can get theses days.

    As you know “our doors are always open to you”! So if you want to get something new started, just let us know :slight_smile: