• Staff Application als Moderator

    Staff Applications
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    1 Posts

    Liebes Novus-Team,

    ich möchte mich hiermit für die Stelle als Ingame-Moderator bewerben, weil… ich gerne leute helfen möschte bei ihren problemen
    Ich hatte bereit 1 server geleitet der lief 2 jahre es waren rund 1000 spieler immer online da nicht mehr so viele spieler online waren habe ich denn server geschlossen
    Anschließend folgen sonstige Informationen, die euch vl. wichtig erscheinen oder euch von anderen unterscheiden.


    Infos zu meiner Person
    Mein name ist Alex in game DunklerPhonix bin 21 Jahre alt komme aus Deutschland/Nidersachsen Wieso ich [Posten] werden will: ich würde gerne leute helfen wenn die probleme auf denn server haben oder wenn die gegrift werden die helfen wo ich kann Positive & negative Aspekte zu meiner Person Positive: Bin jedern tag online wenn ich kann negativ bin immer bis 17 uhr arbeiten Onlinezeiten von 17uhr-00uhr Samstag -Sonntag von 10uhr- 02 uhr Kontaktmöglichkeiten:
    Ts3 : bin immer auf denn ts.meinfighters.de oder auch unitedworldminers.com aber bin meist auf denn ts.meinfighters.de
    Skype : Alex96k1
    Email : seperat

    Der Überblick über meinen Stärken:

    hilfsbereit sachlich kritikfähig freundlich höfflich kreativ Rechtschreibung & Grammatik Aktivität diskret Selbstbewusstsein ehrlich

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
    [Alex] ([DunklerPhonix])

  • 1 Votes
    1 Posts

    Hi mein name ist Chris

    und ich würde mich gerne als Helper bewerben a ich schon ca. 1 1/2 Monate dabie bin.

    Kann jeden tag online sein und anderen spielern zur verfügung stehen ( in der woche etwas weniger wegen schule)

    Mein Minecraft Username ist 90ZIP

    Ich bin 16 jahre alt

    Meine Name ist Chris

    ich Lebe in Deutschland (CEST)

    ich möchte Helper werden damit ich leuten weiterhelfen kann die grade Probleme auf dem server haben

    Ich kann leuten bei den Technik Mods weiterhelfen und Streitigkeiten schlichten

    Nein ich habe noch nicht auf anderen servern gearbeitet

    ich würde in bitten damit auf zu hören und ihn warnen. wenn er dennoch weiter macht würde ich ihn für ein paar minuten muten.

    würde mich über eine antwort freuen

    LG Chris =)

  • Supporter Application

    Staff Applications
    1 Votes
    2 Posts

    Anyone still here?

  • William's Application

    Staff Applications
    0 Votes
    1 Posts

    How much time can you dedicate to the server?: 9 hours out of the day
    Minecraft Username:Williambriggs
    Country / Timezone (optional):USA
    Why do you want to be staff?:I am a really nice person and I know the plugins and hacks really well
    What would you bring to the table as a staff member?: I would bring a good person and a really experienced with people who hack
    Have you ever worked on another server?: Yes I have I own a minecraft server that is factions
    If you have worked on another server, what position was it?: Owner Admin Mod Head admin
    A player is acting up on the server, and being rude to you, how would you handle this situation?:Give them 3 warnings than mute them than if that doesn’t work than kick them

  • application

    Staff Applications
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    4 Posts
  • Athena_Wisdom12's Staff Application

    Staff Applications
    1 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Brobe40 Thank you so much for taking me as an option! My discord name is athena_wisdom. I look forward to your reply!

  • Taki_wolfs Admin Application

    Staff Applications
    1 Votes
    2 Posts

    Hey there Kai,

    thanks for contacting us!

    I appreciate your application and would say, yup you are the one that we are looking for. Currently, @Brobe40 is the admin on the Modern Millenaire server and I think a little help is always welcome. I’d like to have @Brobe40 to tune in here.

    What I see as needed for the server is, advertisement to enlarge the community, good ideas on how to improve the modpack with further updates and building up a staff base. :slight_smile:

    Sorry for the late reply but we are currently a bit busy.

    I just want to get this conversation going here!

  • Garbranth's Admin Application

    Locked Staff Applications
    0 Votes
    4 Posts

    Application has been accepted

  • Dport4u's Mod Application

    Locked Staff Applications
    0 Votes
    6 Posts

    Congratulation, dport

  • 3 Votes
    2 Posts

    Hallo freaki2010,

    wir haben deine Bewerbung zur Kentnis genommen und werden uns melden sobald wir eine Entscheidung getroffen haben.

    Das Uinitedworldminers Team

  • Rocknote's Staff Application

    Staff Applications
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    1 Posts

    Hi my name is Dylan (IGN rocknote). I was a mod on Steve’s Adventure Craft. My staff application can be found here.


    Sorry for the long absence. I was studying abroad and didn’t have much time for gaming.
    Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

  • 2 Votes
    2 Posts

    Ist ein guter. Weiss bescheid, ist freundlich und kein “kiddy” :-)
    Ich würde Dich einstellen.
    LG Domlyrion

  • Colelepire's Application

    Staff Applications
    0 Votes
    5 Posts

    OH yeah I gotchu fam

  • Staff application

    Staff Applications
    1 Votes
    2 Posts

    Age: 15.5
    Skype: af137021

  • 0 Votes
    1 Posts

    How much time can you dedicate to the server?: I can dedicate 15 hours a day
    Minecraft Username: My Minecraft Name is SickeningTrout
    Age: i am 19 Years of age
    Name(optional): My name is Alexander Evans
    Country / Timezone (optional): My Timezone is Eastern Time - Michigan
    Why do you want to be staff?: I want to be staff Because so i can help other players i helping New Players when they need help I will help when i can.
    What would you bring to the table as a staff member?: i would Bring building skills i have Staff Experience
    Have you ever worked on another server?: i worked on many servers before tekkit classics servers tekkit reborn servers normal Minecraft Servers
    If you have worked on another server, what position was it?: I wokred as Admin, Builder, Helper, Mod
    A player is acting up on the server, and being rude to you, how would you handle this situation?:Talk to the player and ask why he is being rude and try to fix it

  • 1 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Bent Hey, I had a player who needed help with something today, only problem came is when I tried to use the core-protect plugin, I could not get anything to work. I am thinking the permissions aren’t loading correctly. The command I thought it is /co inspect and /co help.

    It looks like the plugin isn’t in the server.

  • Staff Application

    Staff Applications
    1 Votes
    1 Posts

    How much time can you dedicate to the server?: I will be playing for at least 5 hours a day #NoLife
    Minecraft Username: Eko450
    Age: 17
    Name(optional): Eko
    Country / Timezone (optional): Germany UTC + 01:00
    Why do you want to be staff?: I’ve seen a lot of people on the server who were needing help and I’ve helped a lot of people so far but as a normal adventurer I’m limited in the ways I can help. I hope to become helper and mod after that so I can help more efficently, also I already know most of the players on the server.
    What would you bring to the table as a staff member?: I played most of the mods which means I can help with questions about mods and questions about the server such as “How do i claim” or “Is XYZ allowed” also I can help settle discussions really great because I used to work in a kindergarten as well as in schools and I am a very social person I love keeping contact to persons and help as well as entertain them!
    Have you ever worked on another server?: I’ve owned a vanilla miigame minecraft server a few years ago togheter with one of my friend.
    If you have worked on another server, what position was it?: I have been a owner an admin and mod on a lot of servers.
    A player is acting up on the server, and being rude to you, how would you handle this situation?: Depending on the situation and cooperation of the “griefer” if he is giving up and acting good I might let him go for the time being but if he plays against the rules and breaks them or tries to break them I would mute him at first (If he is breaking chat rules) and kick or temp-ban him(If he breaks rules in general) if he keeps breaking the rules it might get Perm (After talking to higher ranked mods/admins.

    I’m waiting for your response guys :bow:
    C u ingame!

  • Staff Application

    Staff Applications
    1 Votes
    2 Posts


    Your application looks good. I would like to see you help on our server. I will (as normal) assign you the rank “Helper” for a few days now. If everything goes well we will look into promoting you further to be a moderator.

    Your additional permissions as a helper are:

    - essentials.joinfullserver - essentials.msg.color - essentials.chat.color - essentials.msg.url - essentials.chat.url - essentials.helpop.receive - essentials.seen.ipsearch

    Your most powerful tool though is the beginners guide: https://goo.gl/yYWX96

    Have fun and let me know if you have any question. You can also reach out to us on our Teamspeak server (IP: unitedworldminers.com).


  • staff application

    Staff Applications
    1 Votes
    3 Posts

    @Bent just wondering is this more then one server site?

  • 0 Votes
    3 Posts

    Bullying is not cool and would result in a warning and a temporary mute if it continues I will temporarily have the player banned for a short period of time around 5 days. I have been staff on old servers that are now shut down such as CakeCraft, ZiggyCraft, MineOfTheDead, IndustrialCraft, MinerDream, ect… Some silly names :P