• Swift

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    6 Posts

    Development of Swift is underway and will initially be a more simplified version of the earlier idea. Instead of rewriting the rendering engine entirely, it will instead add adaptive graphics support for per-device/device-specific optimisations.

    What adaptive graphics does is automatically adjust your graphics settings depending on your current average framerate to provide the best possible visuals without any lag. This also can provide better performance than if someone manually adjusted their video settings - as not all scenes will provide the same complexity - some areas might be a busy built-up town with lots of stuff to render, other areas might be a nearly empty world like a spleef minigame for example. With Swift, when you join that spleef minigame and get insanely high framerates beyond what your monitor can provide, Swift automatically increases your settings so the game looks better while still being as smooth as your monitor permits. When you enter that busy town, Swift’ll detect that you’re lagging and will automatically turn settings down in a conservative manner, in an attempt to improve performance without downgrading the visuals too noticeably.

    Additionally, Swift will notify you if it detects that you’re still lagging after it tries everything it can to improve performance, giving you advice on what other things you could do to improve performance that are out of Swift’s reach (e.g. it might recommend you to get a better graphics card, or switch from integrated to dedicated graphics, or it might recommend that you close anything else you have open that’s CPU-intensive like Google Chrome, or to update your drivers and how to do so, etc…)

  • 0 Votes
    2 Posts

    Edit: Amaxster has disclosed that the selectors cannot select their own packs, however it is still unclear what rules they are bounded by and if they are moderated by anyone.

  • The end of CM?

    1 Votes
    2 Posts

    Hello Oscar,

    that’s really sad to hear but I can understand your decision.

    We know the struggles of creating high-quality content ourselves which mostly does not get even close to the attention which crappy modpacks with really ugly images get (of which most don’t even work but still raise thousands of players within hours) these days.

    Sometimes it seems like people want bad stuff rather than something fully functional and “perfect” Maybe they can’t handle complimenting someone on his work and rather want to complain … :thinking:

    We will for sure not remove your modpack from our Solder as I see this modpack as a perfect example for the highest quality of modpack you can get theses days.

    As you know “our doors are always open to you”! So if you want to get something new started, just let us know :slight_smile:

  • Welcome Nextcloud!

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    5 Posts

    @Paint_Ninja GitLab yes! (I did so some days ago though 0.o) PufferPanel --> I am working there on something better than only an update :D Actually adding features etc. But I updated the design atleast ;)

  • CraftMine CPU usage

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    8 Posts

    @Bent said in CraftMine CPU usage:

    I also asked Chris (xF4m3) about his opinion and he recognized a 10 minute spike pattern in the first graph from today. Is there anything running every 10 minutes (600 seconds)? :timer:

    ClearLagg is set to run every 600 seconds, which explains why the CPU usage gradually goes up until the next ClearLagg schedule is ran. I might decrease the tolerance of server TPS drops to help prevent this without making the schedule too frequent for the players.

  • Introducing Spoucy: CraftMine just got a whole lot better for servers

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    1 Posts

    Who remembers the good 'ol days of Spoutcraft? You know… that wierd client some Vanilla servers recommended you to use because it allows the server to send mods to the client in realtime whilst still allowing Vanilla clients to connect?

    Note: If you’re in a hurry or already know about Spoutcraft, you can skip the “What happened to Spoutcraft?” and “What is Spoutcraft?” bits, they’re just there for people who want to have more context on what Spoutcraft is and how Spoucy is related to it.

    What happened to Spoutcraft?
    Spoutcraft eventually got abandoned a few years ago and it was simply because of the way its made. When the “new” Spoutcraft first came out, it was roughly the same time as Minecraft Forge started gaining traction and the plan was the mod developers would all develop “addons” and “plugins” for Spoutcraft (addons being client-side-only mods, plugins being server-side mods that could add client-side content) but unfortunately at the time devs ended up favouring Minecraft Forge instead because of its greater flexibility and faster updates to newer MC versions. Spoutcraft got discontinued when MC1.7 came out because the changes were too huge to do viably, with Spoutcraft being a single fully-fledged jar mod where all the code linked into eachother rather than being modular.

    What is Spoutcraft?
    Anyway, enough with the history lesson. Spoutcraft was amazing because it allowed server owners to make their own modpacks in a way except that the users didn’t need to download and install a modpack - they simply join the server and it works! When you wanna switch to a different server powered by Spoutcraft, you can just join that different server without needing to restart the game or launch a different modpack.

    What is Spoucy?
    Spoucy is a collection of both privately developed exclusive mods for CM and some barely-known public mods. Spoucy’s name comes from the phrase “Spoutcraft with saucy additions”. Together, they bring Spoutcraft functionality to CraftMine. This means that if you want a plain vanilla CraftMine server, you can still do that - but if you want to run a CraftMine server with additional mods like Thaumcraft for example, you can now do that without needing people to download a different modpack nor needing to reobtain permission for every mod in CM and probably illegally redistribute CM. This is HUGE for server owners!

    This is the first draft of this announcement. Functionality mentioned here may be inaccurate, incomplete or still in development. This feature is targeted to be released with CMv4.2 coming later this year