Ein Server Modpack für Novus ist von unserer Seite derzeit nichtgeplant.
Unter Anderem gibt es aktuell noch einige Stabilitätsprobleme mit unseren eigenen Servern.
Ein Server Modpack für Novus ist von unserer Seite derzeit nichtgeplant.
Unter Anderem gibt es aktuell noch einige Stabilitätsprobleme mit unseren eigenen Servern.
We are sorry, we didn’t notice the server was down. It should be up and running again!
Usually the server restarts automatically in case it crashes but it seems like that isn’t working every time. If it happens again, please use our Ticket system to get a faster response!
Planned Downtime will be announced in the forum btw. ;)
Especially as its directly below this thread in the category.
This is closed.
Please do not use that much Capslock again or you will get banned from the forums instantly.
"Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator if this error reappears multiple times, please include the technical details below in your report.
More details can be found in the server log."
- oc.unitedworldminers.com, 2016
We discussed this internally and decided to reject the appeal.
You may appeal again in 3 months.
The thread remains locked.
Using a forum thread like a chat is bad, no matter what the topic is. Please use the edit function (the three dots in the bottom right) and think about what you want to say before you submit your post and combine multiple sequential responses into a single response.
There is a seperate chat function built into this forum if you need one.
@Nick You can edit your own posts by clicking on the three little dots in the bottom right of your post. Please do so if no one has replied after your last post yet ;)
This is a ban appeal and not a personal chat.
While i would personally reject it just because this appeal looks like zero effort has been put into it and in your last appeal there were several reasons not to unban you anywhere.
If Bent wants to look into it anyways thats fine.
But don’t force it. If it takes some time, live with it. We have private lives ourselfes and especially Bent is extremly busy (regarding our servers) with way more important stuff than ban appeals so be patient and please do not @mention him all the time, he has answered here already so he’ll come back when he has time.
This thread is now locked until Bent made his decision
You are permanently banned.
PS: Three lines of text as an unban appeal are not sufficient anyways.
Trial would’ve been the word you’re looking for.
trail means “weg”/“spur” :D
As there seems to be some confusion about cheating/gamemode/give or moderator powers in general:
Moderators are (from now on) not allowed to use their powers for their own advantage.
They may only use them to help others.
If moderators violate these rules multiple times they will loose their rank.
If anyone notices violation, please report it in the forums or via direct message to avoid revenge.
The reason for this is that we cannot guarantee that cheating by moderators won’t have any effect on other players, therefore we are forbidding it in general.
I hope this will never happen.
( @Xi0ran )
This is fixed now. Please do not use Carpenters Garage Doors any more.
If this is the case somewhere else on the map tell us the aproximate coordinates here and we will try to remove them.