Quite short.

RE: So what are you doing again? Why is everything broken?
Good news!
All our servers are back online again.
We are sorry for the long downtime, we had a really strange issue with docker.
RE: So what are you doing again? Why is everything broken?
We found the issue we had with our docker containers and are currently fixing it now.
It will hopefully take us only a few minutes to bring back all our servers now.We will inform you here when we are fully up and running again.
RE: Banner vom Modpack
So in etwa? Ich bin grade zu faul für transparenten Hintergrund, sorry :sweat_smile:
RE: Alpha Server (Bevo Modpack) Blood Moon Bug/Server Restart
@VeggiDay Ok, wie du mitbekommen hast habe ich den Server neu gestartet. Beim nächsten mal bearbeite bitte deinen Post anstatt 2 aufeinander folgenden zu schreiben ;)
RE: Bewerbung als Helper (Bravo Server)
@Sebigamer4 nein, C2 ist muttersprachler, C1 nur annähernd. Wenn der hoch komplexe Englischtest der Telekom Recht hat, hab ich C1-2 :laughing:
RE: Alpha Server (Bevo Modpack) Blood Moon Bug/Server Restart
Aktuell sieht es (von der Console aus) gut aus.
Ist das Problem immer noch vorhanden?
Ist dein IGN auch VeggiDay? -
RE: Last time on Server
Sorry to here that, have fun (and some more luck) wherever you’ll play next though ;)
RE: Novus Bevo Alpha Farm // Nether // End reset
@tmax_hand you really expect to forgive you for Not getting my jokes? Unbelievable!
RE: Nach Farmwelt/Nether/End reset Wind Generatoren verschwunden!
Ich habe keinen Überblick über alle Energiequellen, am Besten ist es wenn relativ wenig Maschinen dafür nötig sind (ein Nether Start Generator z.B. liefert große Mengen Energie mit nur einem Block).
Aber eigentlich musst du dir dazu keine großen Gedanken machen, 20 Windräder wären auch grade noch im Rahmen gewesen. Es sollten halt nicht übermäßig viele (identische) Generatoren/Maschinen dafür nötig sein. Einige hatten über 100 Wind generators, das ist natürlich Blödsinn.
RE: Nach Farmwelt/Nether/End reset Wind Generatoren verschwunden!
Da leider viele Spieler anstatt bessere Energiequellen zu verwenden lieber unvernünftig viele Wind Generators gebaut haben, haben wir diese entfernt da insgesamt 4000 Generatoren eine große Auswirkung auf die Performance des Servers hatten.
Bitte nutzt in Zukunft andere Energiequellen. -
RE: Novus Bevo Alpha Farm // Nether // End reset
@tmax_hand better? If you are not the guy for jokes, i won’t do it again. (Its usually a good sign if staff members je_rk (<- why is this filtered anyways) you around a little ;), there is a german saying which roughly translates to “the ones who love each other like to tease/taunt/chaff each other”, i wouldn’t go as far as love but we do like you)
RE: Novus Bevo Alpha Farm // Nether // End reset
@tmax_hand Sorry, just having some fun :p Sorry if you are offended, i meant it as a joke, you are one of our most valued users :)
Yeah we know a lot of users have used the wind generators. But every one of those is a tile entity and as they produce only very little amounts of energy users started to create loads of those. As i said we removed close to 4000 of those.
If they would only be used when starting out on the server and changed for some more reasonable energy sources after enough resources are accessible it would be fine, unfortunately most users just keep adding more and more wind generators.@Xi0ran no, of course he did not. I tried to make my editing very obvious :D
RE: Novus Bevo Alpha Farm // Nether // End reset
We are now finished with our performance improvements.
In the process we removed all (about 3800) wind generators from the main map as they were one of the major causes of lag which can be easily removed. They will be blocked from crafting and you will no longer be able to place them in the future. If you find any remaining ones on the server, you have my permission to remove them.
We are now generating the new worlds (Farm, Nether & End) which will take us another few hours.
We will notify you here as soon as we are finished. I guess you should find something else to do for the next hours :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
RE: Sooo Yeahhhh.... .____.
@tmax_hand yes. Remember, this is not a chat. Combine your messages into one
@Xi0ran don’t be so negative, maybe you’ll be lucky ;)
RE: [Rejected][Ban Appeal] Maybe you could Unban me after 3 months?
I said you could appeal again in 3 Months. I postet the message below at June the 7th, therefore it were 7 days before you were allowed to appeal.
As you tried to appeal earlier than that, i will give you another month to think about how you will appeal the next time as 6 lines of text are not very much.You may appeal again at October 7th, and not before that date or you will be permanently banned from all our services without the option to appeal again.
This topic is closed, do not open another one in this category before October 7th 2016.
@J4kee said in [Rejected][Ban Appeal] nazarr29:
We discussed this internally and decided to reject the appeal.
You may appeal again in 3 months.
The thread remains locked.
RE: [Bug] Rakete verschwunden [Solved]
Wie im Beginners Guide steht ersetzen wir keine weggebuggten Items, insbesondere keine Raketen. Es tut uns Leid aber das nimmt einfach zu viel Zeit in Anspruch.
RE: Cant stop dying [Solved]
He is now unstuck so the problem is solved i guess.
Nick now has all thaumcraft research as i messed up some commands, but as he’s fine with it, i’m fine with it as well as it was my fault.