Why am I Banned?
This happened sometime ago, but I don’t know why, I logged onto the server, an admin was taking my stuff and destroying my base, and then he banned me (may have been called Alex, may not (I think it was Alex)) and now here is what I a told, first you should know that the reason has changed, from “Reason: Bye, Greifing, Stealing, repeated swearing in chat” and here it is now;. Please sort it out for me.
But you did not do anything against the rules, right?
Btw. is your ingame name the same as your forum one?
"uuid": "........", "name": "officialSIN", "created": "2016-05-07 12:23:23 +0000", "source": "§8[§9Admin§8]§F§4~§4Alex§r", "expires": "forever", "reason": "Bye bye fuckboy"
Here an extract of the Banfile, maybe it’s helpful,
Please look over this, for me , the given reason in the ban message isn’t a valid Ban Reason -
@saschka01 my MC name is officialSIN, and no nothing.
@Sebigamer4 Thanks Sebi, I do hope this is helpful, but even if not, I do appreciate the effort.
@Kizza1993 @Xi0ran @Lecki any information on this?
~ Bent
Something is very fishy…
Can you clarify on what server this was on, As me being from Steves Adventure Craft, I do not normally ban people, and my name isn’t Alex. I have no information on this as i have not seen any staff besides myself on in a while, So i would assume this would be concerning a different mod-pack that is hosted by UNWM?
i know who is alex
@Nick So share with us, whats Alex ign?
The ban entry is from the Steves Pack, and it isn’t alex`s first ban @Xi0ran