Why am I Banned?
But you did not do anything against the rules, right?
Btw. is your ingame name the same as your forum one?
"uuid": "........", "name": "officialSIN", "created": "2016-05-07 12:23:23 +0000", "source": "§8[§9Admin§8]§F§4~§4Alex§r", "expires": "forever", "reason": "Bye bye fuckboy"
Here an extract of the Banfile, maybe it’s helpful,
Please look over this, for me , the given reason in the ban message isn’t a valid Ban Reason -
@saschka01 my MC name is officialSIN, and no nothing.
@Sebigamer4 Thanks Sebi, I do hope this is helpful, but even if not, I do appreciate the effort.
@Kizza1993 @Xi0ran @Lecki any information on this?
~ Bent
Something is very fishy…
Can you clarify on what server this was on, As me being from Steves Adventure Craft, I do not normally ban people, and my name isn’t Alex. I have no information on this as i have not seen any staff besides myself on in a while, So i would assume this would be concerning a different mod-pack that is hosted by UNWM?
i know who is alex
@Nick So share with us, whats Alex ign?
The ban entry is from the Steves Pack, and it isn’t alex`s first ban @Xi0ran