Due to spam I had to repost the origin post, thanks to @Nick for creating this post originally!
RE: Beginner's Guide (WIP) (repost from Nick)
Beginner's Guide (WIP) (repost from Nick)
Hello there adventurer,
with this tutorial, we (Magic Gaming) would like to help you get into the game and solve most of the issues and questions which come up over and over again. We encourage every player to go through this thread regardless if you are a new or experienced player. So let’s start right away:
Server Partnership!
United World Miners (UWM) and Magic Gaming (MG), has teamed up to bring you the first US based server. UWM hosts the mudpack on Technic using Technic Solder and Magic Gaming hosts the server and mudpack development.
What are the servers rules?
First of all: Use common sense!
- No bug using
- No griefing (stealing) from others in the main world (the world where you go with /spawn)
- PVP / Raiding only worlds where PVP is enabled (not in the overworld where you get using /spawn)
- Don’t destroy other players buildings / creations
- Mining is only permitted in the mining world (farm)
- Don’t fool other players
- Don’t use hacks
- Don’t insult anyone
- Don’t spam the chat (also don’t CONSTANTLY USE CAPS)
10 .Don’t spam “LAG!”,“lagg”,“it lags -.-” or similar - Don’t use offensive skins or build offensive structures
- Be nice and keep the chat clean of anything inappropriate for minors
- Pay attention to the teams instructions
Any disregard of these rules will be punished.
How To Claim
PVP and raiding / griefing is not allowed in the overworld (the world where you get using /spawn) not even if something there is unprotected.
PVP and raiding are allowed in any other worldThe Following Items are Banned
https://gyazo.com/f6e0ccbf6e4f217c733a0d41d3cd2560Graphical Glitches
Most likely you have set the chunk loading mode in your video settings to Multi-Core. As this mode speeds up the rendering of chunks around you, it may cause severe graphical glitches and we recommend setting the chunk loading mode to Smooth which also is the best mode considering performance.
To change this setting press Esc --> Options… --> Video Settings…
The recommended version of Java to play this modpack is Java 8 64bit.
Nothing else. You shall not use Java 7 or lower as these versions are already deprecated and highly vulnerable to hacks and viruses. If you have any Java version below Java 8 installed, please uninstall it.Here is The Page
https://java.com/en/download/help/windows_manual_download.xml -
RE: Novus Remix Galacticraft fehler
Moin @Prouder_ welche Rakete genau versuchst du zu bauen?
RE: Server down?
@FruchtZwergGR Moin,
nein der Server ist nicht down.
Er sollte unter folgender Domain / “IP” verfügbar sein:
Alle anderen IP:PORT Kombinationen funktionieren (nicht) mehr. Bitte die obere Domain nutzen.
Solltest du weiterhin Probleme haben auf den Server zu joinen bitte Bescheid geben.
RE: Status 24.06.2016
Moin @AquaDuck,
erstmal freut es uns, dass du wieder zurück bist! Wie du schon festgestellt hast haben wir im Juni 2019 damit begonnen unseren jahrelangen
Pure Vanilla
Server zu modernisieren. Dabei wurde die alte Welt nach mehreren Jahren durch eine neue Welt ersetzt um entsprechend alle neuen Materialien aus der neuen MC Version 1.14+ zu unterstützen.Wir haben vom alten Server selbstverständlich noch Backups und würden diesen bei Interesse nochmal als legacy Server für dich und andere interessierte laufen lassen. Sobald du überprüft hast, ob deine Bauten dort vorhanden sind können wir dann auch gerne die Welt zum Download anbieten. Für weitere Rückfragen stehen wir dir jederzeit zur Verfügung.
RE: Network disruption, TS3 outage
Update 20190109 17:20 CET
Due to another mistake on our side the TS3 server has again been unreachable for about 11.5 hours. From 05:12 - 15:38 (09.01.2019). We sincerely apologize for that fail on our side and have fixed the issue causing this mishap.
Technically interested?
The technical reason was us running two separate instances of our TS3 server simultaneously. After the ISP went down (Vodafone) we were forced to migrate our TS3 server onto our core infrastructure at Hetzner Germany (uploading the files via slow 4G). The migration went well and we were back up running in less than an hour. As clients use a domain name to connect to our TS3 server we kept the ‘old’ TS3 server running at the old location/ISP with a message pointing towards the correct IP (just in case someones DNS (servers) cached our domain too long (ts.unitedworldminers.com)).
This is where we failed: The ‘old’ Teamspeak server still used the same license as the Teamspeak server at the new location. Our license allows us to run one single instance of Teamspeak on one IP, not two. Teamspeak periodically checks if there are servers breaking with their licenses and stops all additional instances to avoid multi-using one license (which is completely legitimate of them to do!).
This is what happens if your ISP goes down in the middle of the night and you start doing some quick and dirty workarounds, forgetting to remove your license from the old TS3 instance…
Network disruption, TS3 outage
Time of incident: 09.01.2019, ~01:06 - 02:12
Due to a major issue with our internet service provider our Teamspeak 3 server has been down for about an hour.
We have taken counteraction and migrated our TS3 server onto our core infrastructure at Hetzner Germany, back into a datacenter.We apologize for the downtime. The action we have taken will prevent future issues.
No other services have been affected by this outage.
Heatmap of Germany showing current hotspots with outages. (Source: Allestörungen) -
RE: Modern Millenaire Server is down!
Thank you for reporting this issue. As far as I can see the server should be up and running. Please try logging in.
Novus Remix - Deep dark issue
Due to a number of bugs the Deep Dark on our Novus Remix server is currently disabled.
We are investigating on this issue and will reopen it as soon as possible.This thread has been opened to track the progress and inform the user base.
We apologize for the inconvenience.