Novus Bevo/Remix Resourcepack
Novus Bevo Resourcepack
Da es so für dieses Modpack, welches es auf der Technicpack Seite gibt kein richtiges Resourcepack
gibt dachte freaki2010 sich, dass er mal eines zusammenstellt. Das Resourcepack ist eine Mischung
aus mehreren Resourcepacks von Shpax.English:
On the Technicpack site isn’t any resourcepack for the Novus Bevo / Novus Remix modpack.
So freaki2010 decided to create one. He mixed some of the Shpax resourcepacks to a nearly 70% redesigned modpack.
Das Modpack kann >hier< runtergeladen werden.
You can download the Resourcepack >here<.
How to install
- Öffnet den Techniclauncher und begebt euch zu dem Novus Modpack.
- Anschließend findet man rechtsoben einen Reiter namens “Modpack Optionen”.
- Dort geht Ihr dann auf “Öffnen”.
- Nun zieht Ihr die gepackte .zip Datei in den “resourcepacks” Ordner.
- First of all you need to open the Techniclauncher and have to move to the Novus Modpack.
- After this you have to click on “Modpack Options” you can find it on right top corner.
- Now press on “open”.
- In the following folder you only need to paste the .zip file into the “respurcepacks” folder.
In diesem gemischten-Resourcepack sind folgende Resourcepacks/Patches enthalten:
The mixed-resourcepack uses the following resourcepacks/patches:V9 Mekanism Project Red Advanced Solars Tinkers’ Construct ThermalExpansion Railcraft IronChests IC2 GraviSuiteExtraUtilities ComputerCraft Chisel2 CarpentersBlocks BigReactors AppliedEnergistics2AE2Stuff IC2Buildcraft Open Blocks Patch Biomes O’Plenty Patch CompactSolars Patch Dimensional Anchors EnderStorage ExtraBees Patch Forestry Patch Immibis Microblocks Liquid XP Advanced Machines Architecture Craft AOBD Backpack BiblioCraft BiblioWoods Blood Magic Botania Computronics Description Tags Enchiridion EnderIO EnderZoo Enhanced Portals ExtraCells Extra TiC Factorization Flaxbeard’s Steam Power Galacticraft Galacticraft - More Planets Garden Stuff Gendustry GrowthCraft Pam’s Harvestcraft Immersive Engineering Immersive Intergration JABBA Logistics Pipes Lucky Block Magneticraft Malisis Doors MineFactory Reloaded Natura NEI Addons NEI Integration Not Enough Items NuclearCraft OpenComputers OpenModularTurrets OpenPeripheral Addons PneumaticCraftPortal GunPressure PipesProgressive AutomationRandom ThingsRedstone ArsenalRefined RelocationRFToolsSimply JetpacksSteve’s CartsSteve’s Factory ManagerSteve’s WorkshopStorage DrawersThaumcraftThermal DynamicsThermal FoundationChickenbone’s TranslocatorsTwilight ForestWitchery
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All used Resources are Copyright by BdCraft and theire Creators.
@ManuXz Well i did try to make one like freaki2010’s but i failed
@freaki2010 Good Job! :) -
@Nick thank you :)
It took me a long time ^^