server crash, please help me.
Does a person near her crash or you literally mean the SERVER, Because if its the server she might have to have her player data reset.
@Xi0ran everybody, but if you delete her player data, all her stuff will be gone right??
@popiejames Yes, if we delete her player data. Everything in her inventory will be gone. It will be like she is a new player tot he server.
@tjwmagic what i personaly think is that shes stuck in a “broken” chunk, i know where it is, but i dont know how to fix it. And my second thought of how we maybe can fix it is that you kill her in the console so when she logs on she will die, so shes out of the chunk, get it?
@popiejames You could try various things like kill in console, tp to another player the second she logs in, etc. I am only a mod for the Novus servers. I am unable to open up the SAC’s console and do things like that. @administrators @Steves-Adventure-Team would be able to do it.
You were thinking it might be the chunk. Is your base located near, or inside that chunk? If so, players might have problems later down the road.
@tjwmagic the chunck is in the pink forest near the spawn, its a long way from our base. But i went into the chunck but for me its fine. Can you add the owner/admin of afventure craft server in here, maybe he can help. Thanks for ur effort
Already did when I said " @administrators @Steves-Adventure-Team would be able to do it. " :)
@tjwmagic thank you!
Dear popiejames,
I will set “Glitchia” to your location.
It should be fixed now.
Have a nice stay :D -
@ManuXz it is fixed, thank u so much