Tunnel bore drops when placed || Tunnel bohrer droppt wenn auf Schiene platziert (railcraft)
ENG: When i try to place a tunnel bore on rails (on all rails) , it instantly drops. But it only appears on one world, which
unfortunately is my main one.
DE: Wenn ich versuche, einen Tunnel bohrer auf Schienen platziere (egal welche) wird sie nach sehr kurzer Zeit wieder gedroppt und sie verschwindet. Jedoch tritt dieser Fehler nur auf einer Welt auf.Novus Remix Version (1.7.10)
Steps to Reproduce issue:
- get the world
- join the world
- try to place the tunnel bore (i’ve set the world to creative for you)[link text]([link url](link url))
Actual results:
It dropps | es droppt
Expected results:
It should still be placed | es sollte noch immer platziert sein
Additional info:
World (rar-zip): http://www.mediafire.com/file/4qxwc8r082g68ig/Workd_with_issue_11.10.2016.zip
Video: -
@herobrinefilip first of all thanks for this nice issue report. This looks really strange and should not be like this. Have you tried this in multiple locations in the main world (aka. does this happen everywhere in this world?).
@Bent yes i did. It doesn’t work anywhere in this map. In other worlds it works fine
world updated
@herobrinefilip said in Tunnel bore drops when placed || Tunnel bohrer droppt wenn auf Schiene platziert (railcraft):
world updated
What do you mean by that?
@Bent i changed the world download to a newer one because i still play on this world
@herobrinefilip i think this bug cannot be resolved but i’ll try to fix it
@Nick Thanks
@herobrinefilip yup i cannot resolve it u should probably ask @Xi0ran Maybe he can fix it