[NOVUS BRAVO / Benetnasch] Wither Grief ??
Hey there,
had to recognize that several blocks at the front of my Base were missing today. My first thought was that someone did that with a digital Miner or something. Then I recognized that a hitpoint Bar “Wither” was shown near my Base. After some lavadiving and checking my sourroundings I found a giant hole in the ground going down to bedrock and a wither flying around… I killed him but I am not pleased about this giant whole near my base on the overworld…
Bent, if you read this and have a few minutes time today, maybe you can login and I can show you. And well, I have some idea who might have done this…
Thx, no need for hurry.
Kind regards, MrGoodkat
http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=cebb5d-1475418719.png -
Dear MrGoodkat,
I will take a look for this, can get online?
@ManuXz /gamerule mobgriefing false?
The Wither has been removed.
Thanks Nick, i did it
@ManuXz Solved?
My pleasure, as always! :)