Just Made A Piece Of Terra Steel
@Nick went from yesterday wanting me to help him make terrasteel… to having an elven portal :IIIIIIIII
if only i had a automatic mana generator
@tmax_hand i also defeated a gaia guardian
I am gonna start making a automatic mana generator to mass produce terra steel
Automated Mana Generating System! -
@tmax_hand Its wat i do bro its wat i do…
Wait how on earth does that work I’m confused. I’d like to know how that works plz/
@tmax_hand That right there is a tree farm using minefactory reloaded machines (planter,harvester and fertilizer) when even a tree grows the harvester harvests the wood and leaves the saplings get filtered through a diamond pipe into the planter which replants it and the wood goes in a dispenser which drops it into endoflames (flowers that make mana using items that burn and have no bi produce) that makes mana and shoots it into the mana pool :)
That redstone clock was really handy
Have you made some kind of project bench or something that makes it into wood planks? that’s way more effective probably. 4x per piece of wood. Or better yet, a Sawmill. 6 planks per log.
@tmax_hand thats a good idea let me do that
Updated Version
The Mana Generator 3000! -
@Bent How to change the title of this post i am trying to edit it its saying dont make a poll or something like that