What the heck, were have you been for the last 12 hours?
@Star_Wurst gerne hier einen Thread öffnen und dein Fehler // Crash-Report dort rein posten.
@Bent My favorite question: Did you try turning it off and on again? Did you check that all of the cables are plugged in?
@tjwmagic We did, that was where all the issues began :D
@tjwmagic I love that picture in relation to your question ^^
Well the cable thing might sound hilarious but solved like 40% of all IT issues I face with my circle of people :smirk:
OMG SO TRUE @Bent I love when an employee comes to me and say: My keyboard isn’t working! I go and look, Oh, they just unplugged it.
@VeggiDay I do have a mug like the one in the picture, in my office. When someone calls me, I will often go out to their desk with that mug in my hand. It is so much fun! -
@tjwmagic Well classic :D
I’ll do a full write-up of what happened in the past days for the technically interested people :)
@VeggiDay Got the mug picture:
Yo Tj u were in the military? nice :flag_us:
No, I am ineligible for the military because of my medical problems. That Red, White, and Blue medal is the Boy Scouts of America, Eagle Scout medal. I am currently in college for cyber security, and I want to pursue a law enforcement career in the computer/cyber world. Hints the reason, where ever you go, you will find Red, White, and Blue.
I have full respect for anyone who puts on a uniform of service, to protect and defend our country. Sadly, I am unable to due to medical reasons. Right now, I get the joy of a office as IT Administrator. Being in charge of the network, servers, and workstations.
O :/ that’s bad. Not the IT part, the medical part. Well, at least you got to be a boy scout. My dad wouldn’t let me because apparently my brother’s recreational soccer was more important. This was 7 years ago and I’m still pissed about it :angry: