
  • All news related to our Pure Vanilla server. Older posts that were previously pinned will also be moved here.

    4 Topics
    14 Posts

    Moin @AquaDuck,

    erstmal freut es uns, dass du wieder zurück bist! Wie du schon festgestellt hast haben wir im Juni 2019 damit begonnen unseren jahrelangen Pure Vanilla Server zu modernisieren. Dabei wurde die alte Welt nach mehreren Jahren durch eine neue Welt ersetzt um entsprechend alle neuen Materialien aus der neuen MC Version 1.14+ zu unterstützen.

    Wir haben vom alten Server selbstverständlich noch Backups und würden diesen bei Interesse nochmal als legacy Server für dich und andere interessierte laufen lassen. Sobald du überprüft hast, ob deine Bauten dort vorhanden sind können wir dann auch gerne die Welt zum Download anbieten. Für weitere Rückfragen stehen wir dir jederzeit zur Verfügung.

  • You have a question, encountered a bug or need help? Let us know in here!

    12 Topics
    54 Posts
    Select the “Pure Vanilla”-server
    ff891eca-3819-41a8-a918-b2b572e7336d-image.png Click on Edit
    60f5e259-a161-47da-93b3-06da4889f976-image.png Set “Server Resource Packs” to Prompt
    da828951-631f-4d69-8063-6e33c0c1f348-image.png Click Done
    afa193f6-f224-4e99-b6a2-3d5a5c4fcc91-image.png Connect to the Server and click Yes
    8f5ba1cf-79ec-45a9-bd2e-54f1fce78eb6-image.png Enjoy your Reindeer
  • You want to help the team out? Be creative and apply here!

    3 Topics
    5 Posts

    I really like this server and I want to continue to play it like I normally do but I also would kind of like to be able to help the server. I have been eyeing the possibility of becoming a admin but I did not want it to change how people interact with me. (people thinking I am abusing power to make my guild, giving gifts, fearing me, etc.)
    Would it be possible to become a admin without the title or anything?

  • You want to build something great but not alone? Great, tell others about your idea here!

    4 Topics
    7 Posts

    I noticed that this server is kind of dead but I have some good news. The local library where I live lost it’s server and my mum happens to be one of the head librarians. I have given her the idea to use this server instead which means that this server will have new players. Only downside is I saw the last server, it was absolutely destroyed by them, since I’ll be on at the same time as them every week, I’ll do my best to keep your server nice.
    Just checking, is there a minimum age for the people on the server, the kids from the library are eight or so.

  • Tell us what you think about the server, suggest changes and let us know you thoughts in general

    5 Topics
    27 Posts

    Thanks, the button was not working before.
    Also, I still lack access to commands; any updates on that?

  • Pure Vanilla ranks and permissions

    0 Votes
    1 Posts
    UnitedWorldMiners Ranks and Permissions Traveller 1 Plot 1 Home Acces to the cow and pig spawner at the freebuild spawn Citizen ( 15 hours of playtime) 2 Plots 2 Homes 1 Rentable Shop Plot Clan create and join /tps -see the Servers Ticks per Second, Relevant for TnT duping (only allowed at 15 tps or higher) Baron ~ Donator Mk1 (price: 5 €)

    Valid for 30 days since moment of purchase

    All Perks form Citizen 3 Homes 2h afk kick time /gc Earl ~ Donator Mk2 (price: 10 €)

    Valid for 45 days since moment of purchase

    All Perks form Citizen 5 Homes Color Signs Color chat 3h afk kick time /craft Noble (30 days of platime) 5 Homes 3 Plots 1 Rentable Shop Plot Join full server Color chat color signs /craft -mobile workbench /seen -see when your friends last came online /gc -see server performance and world load /hat -set blocks and items as hat Duke ~ Donator Mk3 (price: 20 €)

    Valid for 60 days since moment of purchase

    All Perks form Citizen, Baron and Earl 6 Homes Keep inventory Keep xp Nickname no afk kick time