ty bent.
RE: Quest book ist deaktiviert [Quest book is deaktivated] [Solved]
What modpack are you referring to @ennipenni20 ? (Love the name Btw) If you say, i might be able to help.
Mod list plz?
Just out of curiosity and me being impatient enough to not want to wait till tomorrow (Or the next day, whatever), Is there a complete mod list of things to be added when the update is deployed? I’d Kinda like to see what I can get prepared for when it comes out.
RE: /Insert title here\
Rip Sas. Try and tell us when u get a new PC so u can keep on playing.
RE: Some artwork
Dude the shaders look FRICKIN BEAUTIFUL! Is there pixelmon? if not, why the pokeball?
RE: Cant join server? [Solved]
I don’t know why the farm portal doesn’t work for pretty much everyone else except me.
RE: Saral453's Application (Fixed)
No nick, 12 years of age is the correct number, and you would do well to make sure you’re right before saying stuff like that.
RE: Cant join server? [Solved]
WOah woah woah WOAH. Bent, The farm portal is the Only way for me to get to farm. If you do /warp farm, you lose your ars magica levels due to a bug. If u get rid of le portal, I cant go to farm any more. If a new portal is set up, that’d be great, but I kinda need to be able to get to the farm.
RE: Saral453's Application
You seem like you would be good on de server. I like it. I hope you get the position. Good luck :D
RE: Issues joining server [Solved]
Thanks Xi0ran, If there is a reason, are you able to tell us? I don’t really care as long as the server gets back up, just curious. :3
RE: Mod Suggestions
@Bent Yes, the current resource pack is great, and I LOVE it, but what I’m saying is there is things such as Tinkerer’s Construct and Chisel that don’t have textures, and I gathered from what Nick said that this would have all textures, I just thought it seemed like a good idea, I really do like the current resource pack.
RE: Optimisation/collaboration Steve's Adventure Craft [ update]
DANG DANIEL. That’s some crazy improvements! Well done @Paint_Ninja !
RE: Mod Suggestions
Yo nick u should tell bent bout dat cuz if it has ALL textures, oh ho that would be SICK.
RE: The server is Being weird and is ruining my and everyone else's game
Nah its chill fam, stuff like this happens all de time, we all still love the server.
RE: First it was internal server errors, now its the remote host. [Solved]
This issue has been resolved.