So i logged on after like a week... [In Process]
…And I find all my ME terminals have been stolen my 6 crafting units have been stolen AND many of my cables disconnected. If anyone can help me out or someone check the block data (whatever the thing is that tells u who de last one to mess with it was) in that area, I would be thankful.
I will help, tell me when you are getting on. It seems there are problems with grief prevention which is affecting Novus aswell.
Well that’s not good. I can Get on Tomorrow at like, 7:00, Just PM me.
@tmax_hand Defiantly inacceptable. Let me know the progress on this one! We will do our best to get rid of this bad guy!
Yaaay a manhunt :D I can replace all my stuff though, its not like I’m short on resources.
Okay, what’s the progress with @Xi0ran on this?
Are we able to add the ability to see the use of a crescent hammer on an item.
Not being able to see this is whats making this hard to find