Carpenter's Blocks garage doors crashing everyone
@tmax_hand Lol i had too many programs at the same time and crashed, never listening to hotline bling while doing this again.
Lol hotline bling.
@administrators Please do something bout dis guys I’m so bored.
Sooo now we wait -.-
I didn’t like the look of a lot of blocks
same too boxy -
i just msg bent the garage door problem hope it gets fixed :)
if u guys are crashing in 10 secs try doing /suicide
this will kill u but it will bring u to spawnThe others tell a mod to tp u to spawn as soon as u get on the server
@Nick we messaged bent and lecki a ton,(thx doe) /suicide wont work cuz the screen is totally frozen, and also we crash instantly, even though it doesn’t seem like it.
Nick we also cant get a mod to Tp us cuz Xi0ran is crashing too and we need to be able to go near that chunk. Box’s whole base is right near is along with Berghdown’s, tping us away would only delay the problem, not fix it. A server rollback is the most logical choice.
ok maybe deleting that chunk will do
um yeah like no.
I’ve used so many materials in said chunk
and it isn’t that long of a rollback.
If you want to get us to spawn use command blocks put it on a clock to tp us to spawn
This is fixed now. Please do not use Carpenters Garage Doors any more.
If this is the case somewhere else on the map tell us the aproximate coordinates here and we will try to remove them. -
OMG this is the most popular topic with 84 posts well we just hit a new record for posts xD
OK j4kee -
Its because we used it to also talk to each other. Which we shouldnt have probably done, but at the same time the more popular it is the fastest it gets to people, So i couldnt really say what we did was bad or good.
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