i reboot the server if i join [Solved]
still rebooting if i join the server :/
I am trying to find a fix for this issue, it should be fixed soon.
cant you just force teleport me to the spawn or something :/ ? k then pls tell me the time its fixed i avoid joining until then
@Fabian1122 Can you tell us the coordinates where you log in or at least tell us your ingame name? This will help debugging.
Best regards,
sadly i dont know the cords but my ign is Fabian1122
@bent anything new about fixing it :/ ?
I remember on a server I had my friend had that problem so I had to kill them but I gave him back everything he had in his inventory. I’m not sure if this will work in this case though but it might have a chance :P
I may have to delete your playerdata sadly, is this ok with you? If it isn’t I can try to find another way around this issue we are having.
i guess finding another way would take way to much time so yeah i guess thats the only way. so i loose everything :/ ?
Yes, sorry, you would lose everything in your inventory
yea that sucks :/ well my biggest loose is my morph list anyways since i had some special monsters in there
uhm and what about the items in my chests at my base ?
Ok then can anyone reset my player data i really would like to play on the server .-.
Edit: looks like only a playerdata reset helps k then pls inform me when its done
Does it work now?
looks like it did not work
This happens to me too. I joined the server for the first time and it says “Server rebooting”
thats not you bud we all get it its a bug i think there working on it either way its rly annoying :/
no its really me ^^ im in a corrupted chunk and the time i join it forces the server to reboot
@Fabian1122 Solved after the server restart!