@tmax_hand Like average 1-2 people are on at a time. I have never seen two people on other then me and some other randomo
RE: Carpenter's Blocks garage doors crashing everyone
RE: Carpenter's Blocks garage doors crashing everyone
@tmax_hand U DONT KNOW CRAFTMINE V4? go to the forums sift around a little
RE: Carpenter's Blocks garage doors crashing everyone
u better go on craftmine > : O
RE: Carpenter's Blocks garage doors crashing everyone
@tmax_hand pfft no we all have central times were active hehe, im active at late at night and xi0ran is active at that point when its about to turn into deep midnight but you cant see the sun yet.
Carpenter's Blocks garage doors crashing everyone
YO There’s like 2- 6 people who are on the server because everyone is CRASHING from some IDIOT placing a garage door (i dont know who did this.) but all I know is it couldn’t of just been ONE garage door that did this, no, there had to be a good two IDIOTS who did this. Like 60% of the players are not on because of this.
RE: Internal Server Error
I have a stupid idea… Keep deleting the pack and logging in until it works… it sounds kinda dumb I think it could work and its just being slow… i could be wrong, but this has helped when im doing other things… or it could just be a waste of time :P
[RESOLVED] Attack Of The Carpenter's Garage Doors . SOLVED SORRY
I feel a storm coming. A storm of corrupted chunks and days of the server rejecting people from connecting. (carpenters) Garage doors, just like in steve’s adventure pack create corrupted chunks and will mess you up pretty well. Nobody deserves to die this way. Garage doors will make the hardest working players second think their experience on this server, and proceed to die. I’m not saying take a week to fix this issue but I’m pretty sure it took a few garage doors on sac for most people’s chunks they were sitting in to completely rek them.