Hey there @xrayf ,
thanks for the report! We will have a look at it. Most likely at around 18:00 (CEST) today.
Was your digital miner in a house or did it stand free?
Hey there @xrayf ,
thanks for the report! We will have a look at it. Most likely at around 18:00 (CEST) today.
Was your digital miner in a house or did it stand free?
Danke für den Bugreport @Max039 .
Wir haben das Problem erkannt und werden dir deine Rakete zurückerstatten. Ich werde dies heute Abend persönlich erledigen können oder wenn du vorher online bist, einfach direkt einen Mod / UWM-Team Mitglied anschreiben und diesen Thread hier nennen.
@UWM Team: Bitte erstattet @Max039 seine GC Rakete zurück, danke!
Hall @_Zorro_ ,
danke, dass du dich bei uns meldest. Ja dies war ein Bug auf unserer Seite, für welchen wir uns entschuldigen. Wir haben alle Personen, die fälschlicherweise aufgrund des HQM Mods gebannt wurden selbstverständlich wieder entbannt.
Du kannst nun wie gewohnt weiterspielen.
Sollte es weiterhin Probleme geben, einfach melden!
@Nick Hey there Nick, please let us know your ingame name as well as when you will be online. We will try several things to fix this. The hardest way would be resetting your player data.
@Teslenkon There is none for this pack. You are free to open a new one in the feedback section. We are looking forward hearing your ideas!
Hello there @Teslenkon,
thank you for contacting us about this. We are currently concentrating our efforts on getting the official servers more stable and robust. When this is done we can use our solid base image to releasing a custom server package for you. We won’t release a package now as it would not have the quality standard which we are aiming for. Make sure to check our beginners guide for more info.
Einmal noch die Koordinaten den Base sowie die Namen der Mit-Bauer dazu :smirk:
Den Bug gerne per PM an mich.
Wir hosten mehr als 15 Server. Bitte gib genau an, auf welchen Server du nicht joinen kannst und füge den Crash-Report / Error Log aus der Konsole mit bei.
@tmax_hand thanks for the heads up on that. We moved it.
Case has been closed by chatting on the server.
We apologize for the recent downtime of our Novus Bevo server. The downtime was about 55 minutes. This is way longer than normally.
The reason for this crash seems to have been the enderstorage mod. We are evaluating this to avoid such issues in the future.
If such a crash happens again don’t hesitate and file in a quick bug report.
Our Movie Bevo Bravo server will be launching for everybody with early access tonight (CEST)!
Edit1: It seems that the crash is related to some enderchest being remotely (a non-player) opened or being accessed by pipes. If you have built something like this, revert it.
Edit2: We have finally been able to apply a patch to a library. This should fix the issue. We apologize for all the hassle and the series of crashes. We had to look further into the code to find the fix.
Hey @xXGalaxy15Xx ,
ich weiß nicht wie ich anfangen soll. Am besten verweise ich zunächst einmal auf unseren Beginners Guide. Dort steht ausführlich beschrieben wie der Lag zustande kommt. Die gute Nachricht ist, der zweite Server wird bald eröffnet werden und sollte dadurch, dass sich die Spieler auf zwei unterschiedliche Server verteilen stark verringert werden.
Jetzt nochmal eine Frage in ganz eigener Sache: Alle beschweren sich über den Lag. Aber keiner gibt Lösungen. Was ist dein Vorschlag?
~ Bent
Your application looks good. I would like to see you help on our server. I will (as normal) assign you the rank “Helper” for a few days now. If everything goes well we will look into promoting you further to be a moderator.
Your additional permissions as a helper are:
- essentials.joinfullserver
- essentials.msg.color
- essentials.chat.color
- essentials.msg.url
- essentials.chat.url
- essentials.helpop.receive
- essentials.seen.ipsearch
Your most powerful tool though is the beginners guide: https://goo.gl/yYWX96
Have fun and let me know if you have any question. You can also reach out to us on our Teamspeak server (IP: unitedworldminers.com).
Uh you scrolled down so far? You are awesome! How about leaving your thoughts about this guide here?
Also as you read through the whole guide, here is a 10% coupon for our donation store: MU5H-6BAS-8PAF
Hey there @FWHY looks nice. I would like to see you help on our server. I will (as normal) assign you the rank “Helper” for a few days now. If everything goes well we will look into promoting you further to be a moderator.
Your additional permissions as a helper are:
- essentials.joinfullserver
- essentials.msg.color
- essentials.chat.color
- essentials.msg.url
- essentials.chat.url
- essentials.helpop.receive
- essentials.seen.ipsearch
Have fun and let me know if you have any question. You can also reach out to us on our Teamspeak server (IP: unitedworldminers.com).
Hey there @iMunch,
What did you do to protect your chests against griefing?
Are you really sure that nobody stole your turtle? How did you protect you turtle?
@DasHomer Accepted, thank you for your application :hammer:
@tmax_hand All good, our server is international still so we welcome anyone from earth. Not from Mars though :smirk:
Accepted! Very well done application! :thumbsup_tone1:
@ennipenni20 Hey there, thanks for the information. We know about this and are working on a solution :smirk: