- I can dedicate a few hours every day.
(from about 2:30-4:30 on tuesdays and thursdays and from 2:30-5:00 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Weekends can be a little tricky, but for the most part I can be on the server.) - My Minecraft username is Athena_Wisdom12 (I am female)
- I am 15 years old
- My name is Sydney
(Yes, like Sydney, Australia) - I would like to be part of your staff, because I would like to help out if needed
- I am a good builder and if needed I would love to help create spawns or just aesthetic elements.
- No, I have not worked as a staff on another server,but I was offered a position. I turned the offer down because the server had too may bug problems.
- If a player was being rude to me I would give the a warning. If they continued to do the same thing I would kick them from the server as a second warning. After that I would temp. ban them for a few days. If that does not resolve the issue then I would perm. ban them, as it is not the way they should be treating staff members.
-Thank you for taking time to consider me as an option. - Side note- I do not have teamspeak, but I do have discord. I will do what I can to get teamspeak if it is truly a requirement.

Athena_Wisdom12's Staff Application